#0200248 Peaceable Kingdom - Duck Duck Dance
#0200248 Peaceable Kingdom - Duck Duck Dance
Board Games, Motor and Educational
25 Shells
Move and Groove: Get moving and grooving with this fun dancing game for toddlers! From spinning to wiggling, players imitate the dancing ducks to uncover 4 audience members and complete the game.
Games that Grow: Kids practice gross-motor skills, sequencing, counting, imitating and vocabulary as they play! Parents can use the included guide to play the game in several ways to encourage growth.
Toddler Games: Peaceable Kingdom’s games for 2 years and up encourage meaningful connection between you and your toddler. Each game focuses on physical, cognitive, and language skills with variations to adapt to your child’s skill level.
How to Play: Roll the dice, do the dance move, flip over the audience member to enjoy the show. Once you reveal all of the audience members, the game is complete!
Age Recommendation: 2+ years
Number of Players: 1+